Capture the Beauty of Time

Time passes by quickly and we can never stop and take the time to appreciate all that life has to offer.

5 min readJun 11, 2022


Image of a waterfall in Austria called Samina. ©ElvieLins

1. Spring is a time of new beginnings

For some, it represents the start of a new school year. For others, it signifies a fresh start in their personal lives.

For still others, it’s a time to rejuvenate after a long winter. Regardless of why many people we’re excited about spring, there’s no denying that this season is one of hope and change.

The water rushing down the mountain during springtime creates a beautiful sound called “waterfalls,” which are an amazing sight, especially to me.

Swans are mating by the lake. ©ElvieLins

Before I left Austria, I was at the lake in Bodensee and witnessed the mating season of swans. The first indication of spring is when the males start pairing off. This usually happens in the last week of March, but can start as early as February. Once paired, the male and female will follow a specific routine that lasts for around 10 weeks. During…




Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at