In the Morning…

2 min readJan 16, 2023
Yellow crocus
wildflowers were taken from the fields in Austria in the Spring of 2022. Image by Elvie Lins

The morning brings a brand new day,
A time for joy and faith to pray.
We’re blessed anew with beauty’s grace,
As on our feet a new journey we chase.

Fresh opportunities in the east,
Facing all life’s challenges with zest.
From gloom come bright days of glee,
To start again and make our dreams be!

blade grasses
Blade grass in our Austria home. Image by Elvie Lins

In the morning mist fall from the leaves,
A blanket of silence embroidered with dew.
The dark sky brightens in a gentle caress,
Bringing a new dawn of perfect hue.

Wild green grasses Austria
Beautiful formation of leaves on the ground in the wild (Austria). Image by Elvie Lins

The birds call out to welcome a new day,
Nature abounding with beauty and bliss.
There is so much joy around us here,
Giving hope that life can be filled with its gifts!




Writes about #Travel, #Photography, #Life, and #Poetry. Message me at @successwitheve on Twitter and email me at successwitheve@gmail.com